Buy For Your Store

For wholesale enquiries please email the sales rep closest to your area below or find us at an upcoming trade show (see the list below) .....    or click here to email Kim directly (Designer)

You can also order us through the wholesale ordering platform NuOrder. If you are not already on Nuorder, email us for access.


Here are our sales reps: 

USVI & BVI  :  Lori Emery  
Click here to email Lulu.


CT, RI, MA, NH, ME  :  Linda Keegan  
Click here to email Linda.   


Hawaii : Bonnie Bowles : 
Click here to email Bonnie.     


NC, SC, VA, WV, KY, TN, AL, GA : Ann Jones 
Click here to email Ann.     


Florida  & Bahamas : Nancy Thompson :  
Click here to email Nancy.


PA, MD, NJ, DE & WV : Randy & Jeannie Gray :

Click here to email Randy.





Oct. 8-9 Baltimore, MD Grand Lodge, Cockeysville, MD Open Booth
Oct. 15-16 Pittsburgh, PA Shrine Center, Cheswick, PA Open Booth
Oct. 30-31 Plymouth Mtng, PA Shrine Center, Plymouth Meeting, PA NEW Open Booth


October 22 - 24 2023 : Palm Beach County Convention Center, Palm Beach FL 

January 6 - 8, 2024 Palm Beach County Convention Center, Palm Beach FL 

April 28 - 30, 2024 Palm Beach County Convention Center, Palm Beach FL 

August 25 - 27, 2024 Palm Beach County Convention Center, Palm Beach FL 




January 10-12, 2024

September 5-7, 2024




September 17 - 19, 2024 : Bradenton FL.


Cape Cod Gift Show Booth 307

March 5-7, 2023

Seacrest Beach Hotel, 350 Quaker Rd, North Falmouth, MA


Old Dominion Show

November 8-9 Virginia Beach, Old Dominion Fashion Exhibitors Show, Wyndham Virginia Beach Ocean Front Resort.  5700 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach, VA.



Join our Facebook group for buyers & retailers ONLY.  This is a closed exclusive group where Kim goes LIVE weekly showing you what is coming, giving you display ideas, tips and so on.  Click here to join. 

Please stay tuned to our wholesale emails that are sent regularly to our boutiques, or contact the Designer, Kim directly.  Click here to email her.